Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Loosely Coupled Corner: "I think we should see more tooling support for EJB 3.0, so that more general application developers can get their hands dirty and come up to speed on EJB 3.0. While any standard IDE that has good support for JDK5 will provide a good start, I think there should be better tooling to support complex mappings (like ManyToMany), and facilitate inline or immediate feedback on the validity of NamedQueries instead of waiting for deployment. Maintenance of the applications isn't something that can be ignored, as applications will live for few years after the development cycle. All the features that make the application development easier will also provide returns in application maintenance cycle. All in all, I will recommend that developers take a fresh and unbiased look at the EJB 3.0 specification, by checking out the features and giving the publicly available EJB 3.0 containers "

good blog entry on ejb3.0

maybe i'll write my next blog with it.

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